Friday, July 31, 2009

India, India, the few months I spent there I saw, heard, tasted and learned so much; but i am certainly no expert on such a peculiar place. As one Indian man told me over a cold Kingfisher beer at a small liquor shop in Jaipur, "It takes a lifetime to understand India." "Well said," I replied. I hope to return one day as the time I spent there was not enough and it is one country that has left a larger impression on me. As for now, I've enclosed my final journal entry that I wrote while on the plane from Kolkata (Calcutta) back to Bangkok...

The Beatles sing of places they remember; India is one of the places I will never forget. Like a person, India is both perfect and imperfect; everything you love and hate rolled up into one giant country. As one might view a woman, India is beautiful, mysterious and full of surprises. But India also has a dark side filled with sadness, anger and corruption. While some people fall in love with its aesthetic wonder, others complain bitterly about the darker undertones. A maze of indecision and a roller coaster of emotion is what greets many of those that lay foot in this vast countryside. Failing to recognize the faults and negatives makes you naive and ignorant to its realities, but overlooking the hospitable smiles, the culture rooted in ancient tradition, the colors and the magic makes you a close-minded observer. India can't be studied or read about. Text books will get you nowhere. It is an experience all its own that may change you forever or point you in a new direction. Whether you love it, hate it or are made simply confused, the person that leaves India is often not the one that walked in. And, ultimately, if you can learn to love India, perhaps you can learn to love anything...

"God's own Country" -Kerala Slogan

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