Saturday, February 15, 2014

Checking off goals in Guatemala

Crossing the border from Mexico to Guatemala with Oli the German surfer and Shaun the round-the-world-motorbike rider was hardly a breeze as so many people were trying to "help" or rather get something from us, but alas we crossed and made our way to a little village in the mountains where the locals were excited to see tourists coming for the night. The following day I jumped on a local bus and arrived at the very tranquil Lake Atitlan. Living expenses are low here which draws a lot of people for the purpose of language study. I found a nice guest house with a magnificent view and deck, perfect for passing lazy afternoons so, having completed my list of goals for the year, I decided to stick around and check a couple off the list; a Spanish class and volcano numero uno... Pictures below: Studies show if you write goals/ideas down on paper, you're more likely to complete them. I was proud to finally display my list in tangible form. Studying hard but not without a little break for some sunshine! The view from my deck, always beautiful.

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