Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Lesser Known Capitol

While in grade school, American students are expected to learn/memorize the capitol cities of all fifty states and generally regurgitate the information on an exam. So, for many American adults later asked to recall the capitol city of a particular, more obscure state, the information has often been left behind on their fifth grade test paper. Missouri is one of these obscure states. The capitol of Missouri is neither of the state's major cities -Kansas City or St. Louis- nor is it referenced in news and media very often. During my trip around Missouri, I thought it only necessary to stop in the quaint Jefferson City and pay tribute to the obscure capitol city of a particularly beautiful state. Finished in 1917, it is the third capitol building in Jefferson City. Notably, a bronze fixture on the top represents Ceres, the Roman goddess of Agriculture. And at the building's entrance, standing tall and ready to greet you, dutifully frozen in time, is Thomas Jefferson.

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